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Transmitting End Times Truth

Filtering by Tag: Revelation

Bride Bootcamp Lesson 7 - Faithful

This episode features the seventh lesson in Bride Bootcamp. Bride Bootcamp is a series of monthly teaching lessons from a Spirit filled viewpoint. Our mission: equip the Remnant Bride of Christ in this prophetic hour! We are continuing our series on Spirit-filled discipleship. Last time we studied two of the Churches in the book of Revelation,The Church at Ephesus and Smyrna. These churches where an interesting case study of what it meant to be disciple and an early follower of Christ. In truth there was much we could apply to being a disciple today. When it comes to being a disciple, our first calling is dedication or faithfulness to our Lord. It means being vigilant and guarding our hearts and minds from the attacks of Satan. Imagine a church possibly living in the same area where the seat or throne of Satan was. What lessons could we learn from their successes and shortcomings as they strived to be faithful followers of Christ? Join me and find out!

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Pergamon Altar

The Seat of Satan: Nazi Germany

Obama and the Pergamon Altar

Episode 106 - It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

3rd anniversary show! Episode 106 features a heartfelt conversation with BDK about living in this prophetic hour. Are we the last generation? How can we remain focused on the Biblical return of Christ in the midst of sensational end times predictions? What are three things we can do to truly honor our King in this moment? Join me for a balanced Bible based discussion of Bible prophecy. This is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

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Episode 102 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (August Edition Part 2)

Episode 102 features the second part of our August listener-directed Q&A podcast. Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: Is the supernatural aspect of the Bible being preached in most churches today? Can believers really have a full personal relationship with Jesus Christ, if they omit or ignore the supernatural of the Bible? What are Jezebel and Ahab spirits? What did the Jewish religious tradition of Jesus’ day teach about demonic beings? Can demonic oppression causing drinking? Is killing someone to take them out of intense pain a sin or an act of mercy? Does Revelation 13:15 and Hebrews 1:3 tie into the rapture? Do the Noahide Laws fit into the end time deception? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

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Listen to Phil’s Podcast - Reclaiming The Faith

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Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ 

Frequency Flashback: Unholy Wars - Satan’s Crusade Against Yahweh

Bride Bootcamp Lesson 1 - A Living Witness

This episode features the very first lesson in Bride Bootcamp. Bride Bootcamp is a series of monthly teaching lessons from a Spirit filled viewpoint. Our mission: equip the Remnant Bride of Christ in this prophetic hour! What is the main purpose Jesus has for the Body of Christ on Earth? What is our mission? Is it possible to discern what ministry Christ has called us to personally? What the is one key thing He expects to find in us if we want to be used by Him? We will answer these questions and more.

Episode 78 - The Reformation Road Part One With Johnny Cirucci

On 10/31/16 Pope Francis held an ecumenical service in Sweden between Catholics and Lutherans. That service kicks off a series of events that will lead to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. The Pope hopes to “undo the rift” that the Reformation caused between Protestants and Catholics. The question we must ask ourselves is why would Rome seek to “rewrite” the history of the Reformation? Is the Reformation a threat to Rome’s power structure? Could it be that within the history of the Reformation there lies many powerful examples of how the Truth can set a person free from spiritual deception? What was so powerful about the Truth of God’s Word that the Reformers where willing to die for it? This special two part series will answer the following questions: First, what happened during the Reformation, and why is it’s history important to the Church today? What is Rome doing today to infiltrate and side track the Protestant Reformation? Finally, why must we continue on the path the Reformers started us on? Join me for part one, where Johnny shares with us the history of the movement Rome seeks to rewrite with it’s very own counter Reformation!

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Episode 76 - Preparing To Live Life In The Shadow Of Christ’s Second Coming With Justen Faull

Our last episode answered questions about how and when Christ would return. This episode seeks to answer the question of what we should do to prepare our lives for that prophetic hour. Helping me sort through this issue is Justen Faull who is the host of The Fourth Watch Radio Network. Make no mistake, it will take spiritually maturity if we are to endure a spiritually trying time. What does Jesus define as spiritual maturity? How can we grow in faith and grace? How can we fortify our hearts, and if we make our heart a spiritual bunker, what spiritual rations should we place inside it? What are some practical things we can do right now to prepare for future impractical times? What role does the fear of God play in our lives, and could it actually bring us supernatural peace in times where people would naturally be afraid? What is the one item you must have in your spiritual “go bag”? These are just some of things we will discuss. We will also listen to some rather interesting “prophecies and predictions” that where made last year in September that where supposed to be fulfilled before this October episode aired. We will discuss how to Biblically distinguish if a prediction or prophecy is from the Lord, or just a person’s own insight or information. We will examine what weight we should give to these words verses the weight we should assign to Christ’s words. If Christ word’s are to be trusted, trying times are coming. We will need the eyes of faith to “see” beyond what our physical eyes can see so that we can trust the promises of God. Justen will share with us a simple and effective way to build our faith in the promises of God today.

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The Fourth Watch Radio Network

Listen to The Harbinger & The Shemitah: Fact or Fiction?

Listen to Shaking in September?

Episode 75 - A Pastor And A Podcaster Answer Questions Regarding The “Rapture” Of The Church

Join Pastor Phil Baker and BDK for Omega Frequency’s first monthly listener-directed Q&A podcast! This show revolves around 15 questions posed to us by our listeners on the issue of the rapture of the Church and Christ’s second coming. We start by answering “Why are you doing a show on the rapture? The word rapture is not in the Bible!” We then break down the term in light of 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and place it into the context of the events surrounding Jesus’ return. What is our “blessed hope”? Where is the rapture in relation to the seven year tribulation? Is the rapture described in the Book of Revelation, and if so - where? Is the Church on the earth during the tribulation according to Revelation chapters 4-19? Is the concept of dispensationalism Biblical? Do the Churches in Revelation represent different Church ages? What happens at the judgement seat of Christ? Could the alignment of certain stars on Sept. 23, 2017 signal either the rapture or the beginning of the tribulation? What did the Jewish people of Jesus’ day believe about Messianic Biblical prophecy? Does it matter what you believe about the second coming of Jesus as long as you believe in a second coming? Is that viewpoint a wise and safe way to approach our Lord’s return? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion!

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Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

Buy A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

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Listen to Episode 44 - Restoring the Church’s End Times Vision

Episode 73 - Grace To Run The Final Race With Pastor Phil Baker

On this episode I’m joined by Pastor Phil Baker. He recently wrote an amazing 12 part series on the subject of Biblical grace, hyper grace, and how the misuse of grace fulfills end times prophecy. Most importantly, he covers how God’s true grace can empower you to grow in your faith and finish your race strong! We are going to cover some of these topics and shed some light on this important subject. Along the way we’ll answer such questions as: What role does grace play in repentance? Are all of our sins forgiven when we get saved? Why do we need to ask for forgiveness when we sin? Is it Biblical to say that because of God’s grace, when God sees Christians, He sees them through the lens of the blood of Jesus? We’ll also talk about Joseph Prince’s teaching on hyper grace and “Mother Grace”. So grab a tasty beverage and join us as we dive deep into God’s Word!

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Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

Buy A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Visit Pastor Phil’s Website

Read Pastor Phil’s Blog

Read “Grace Part 1 of 12”

Episode 69 - #EternalLifeMatters

Matthew 24 talks about a time right before the return of our Lord. There will be wars and rumors of wars. Nation (ethnos/race) will rise against Nation (ethnos/race). Many false prophets shall rise in the name of Christ and shall deceive many. Iniquity shall abound and the love of many shall wax cold. These are the beginning of sorrows. On top of this, Satan has blinded the minds of them which believe not to the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ. He is also wearing out the Saints. Join me as I look at how we can have a Heavenly perspective on current events and focus on what truly matters. This Heavenly hope enables us to not be shaken in times of uncertainty. The Remnant Bride of Christ will overcome, the gates of hell will not stop her. Will you be part of the Remnant Revolution in this prophetic hour?  

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Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

The 4th Watch Radio Show with Justen Faull and Remnant Revolution Co-host BDK “Demons Calling”

The 4th Watch Radio Show with Justen Faull and Remnant Revolution Co-host BDK “Vatican Rising Vol. I”

The 4th Watch Radio Show with Justen Faull and Remnant Revolution Co-host BDK “Vatican Rising Vol. 2- Jesuit Controlled Christian Music”

The 4th Watch Radio Show with Justen Faull and Remnant Revolution Co-host BDK “Vatican Rising Vol. 3- RESET 2016: Year of the Pulses”

Episode 68 - “Brexit” A Doorway To Global Control With Leonard Ulrich

I know it sounds crazy to suggest that Britain’s exit from the EU might be part of a plan by certain players within the global elite to gain more control. Filmmaker Leonard Ulrich is asking some very interesting questions in this interview. Was the chronology of the “Brexit” vote planed and guided? If so, by who? Was the outcome managed? Why did the market crash on Friday then miraculously recover a few days later? Was the Eurozone designed to fail? Was “Brexit” just the first vote of no confidence? Will more countries follow suit? What role did people’s frustrations actually play in the vote? Will these frustrations spill over to America? Will frustration, division, and economic uncertainty get so bad that we will gladly welcome our new overlords in exchange for a loaf of bread and piece of mind? Some of the answers may surprise you! 

Show notes:

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Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

Leonard Ulrich’s Website

Watch NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Volume One

Watch Leonard’s Exposé On The Origin Of Isis And Many Other Fine Videos On His YouTube Channel

Episode 67 - Esau’s Tears

Hebrews 12:16-17 recount how Esau sold his inheritance for a single meal. After he was rejected, he found no place of repentance - even though he sought it carefully with many tears. We as the Remnant Bride of Christ have an amazing spiritual inheritance. What is it? What are some of the things that people are selling this inheritance for today? Join me for a soul stirring evangelistic message this week on Omega Frequency.

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Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

Watch NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Volume One

Listen To Vatican Rising Vol. I

Listen To Jesuit Controlled Christian Music & The One World Church (Vatican Rising Vol. 2)

Special Episode - Demons Calling With Justen Faull & BDK

Join me for a special episode of the Remnant Revolution on The 4th Watch Radio Network! We will be discussing the New Age infiltration of “Christian” literature. We will also breakdown one of the best selling book series in the modern Church - “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young. Is this book an inspiring modern day message from Jesus or is it inspired by Eastern Mysticism? We will also look at the bigger context of this issue of occult infiltration in light of Matthew 24 and the end times. Grab a note pad, pen, and a tasty beverage - this is one broadcast you won't want to miss!


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Episode 64 - The Remnant Reformation With Kay Carswell & BDK

During the Dark Ages the spiritual climate of the day was one of darkness and apostasy. It was against this spiritually challenging backdrop that God in His mercy raised up the reformers who brought a reformation of truth to the Body of Christ. Kay Carswell of Deception Detection Radio and I discuss how events during the historical Reformation mirrors today’s spiritual climate. Could God in His mercy once again raise up men and women of God to call the Body of Christ back to Biblical truth in the end-times? Join me and find out! 

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Listen To Deception Detection Radio

Listen To The Reformation And The Holy Spirit Part 1 on DDR

Listen To The Reformation And The Holy Spirit Part 2 on DDR

Episode 62 - Shock Collar Christianity

Join me as I share the story of how one man's desire to protect and train his dog taught me some interesting lessons on the importance of boundaries.


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Salvation - Please Help Me Take The Next Step


Episode 57 - Rescued From The New Age With Mel and Andy From Dissident Prophet

Andy and Mel are a husband and wife team who are part of the UK apocalyptic rock band Dissident Prophet. Join me as Mel shares her testimony of how Jesus rescued her out of the New Age movement and spiritual oppression. She bravely pulls no punches and details how the occult invaded her life resulting in demonic manifestations and bouts of sleep paralysis. Learn how she gained the victory through the power of the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus! After salvation, her road to spiritual victory and restoration took 18 long months, but she learned that God truly does work all things together for good to them that love God, and are the called according to His purpose. This was no more so apparent when she crossed paths with her future husband Andy at church. Now Andy and Mel are ministering to people through their own unique brand of end times Truth music. It is her hope that this testimony will encourage people to believe that the Lord restores what the devil tries to destroy, and that Jesus still saves, delivers, and heals! 

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Listen to The Not So Dissident Future on the God’s Property Radio Network


Episode 56 - The Revolution Is Calling With Justen Faull

There’s a revolution of Truth stirring in the hearts and minds of God’s people. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, our Heavenly Father wants our lives to be transformed by the Word of God. He is not merely calling us to read about the Truth, but to be changed by it. If these truly are the “end times” then how should we live? As His ambassadors God is calling His children to live a radical Kingdom lifestyle. Join me this week as Justen Faull and I have a spirited discussion on how we can answer that call!

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Episode 55 - Watchers 102 With Gary Wayne

Our series on the Watchers and the events surrounding Genesis 6 continues this week. Gary Wayne who is the author of the amazing book “The Genesis 6 Conspiracy” joins me to discuss Satan’s plan to establish a New World Order and to enthrone the Antichrist. To further Satan’s plan he has enlisted secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Jesuits, and the Rosicrucians to conspire in teaching a theology and a history of the world that is contrary to the Biblical one. As the Genesis 6 conspiracy marches toward the Great Tribulation the loyalty of the “Terminal Generation” will be tested. Hear how the Bible, along with many other ancient sources, clearly records the existence of giants. Mr. Wayne provides many citations from society insiders, along with extensive Bible references, and historical material to bolster his contention. What he uncovers will astonish you! It will also challenge you to prepare for the fulfilling of God’s prophetic promises.

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Episode 51 - Watchers 101 With Mark Combs

Watchers, Nephililm, Fallen Angels, Ancient Aliens, and Titans are capturing the imagination of a new generation…thanks to television, movies, teen fiction, and graphic novels. The Bible has a lot to say about this subject. In this episode I’m joined by Mark Combs, the author of “End the Beginning”, which logically investigates the flood account of Genesis. Here are some of the questions we’ll address in In “Watchers 101”. What role should apocryphal books like the book of Enoch play in our overall understanding of this subject? Who are the “Sons of God” in Genesis 6? What is the meaning and significance of the name “Watcher”? Are the Titans and the Biblical giants similar? Are there different types of giants? After Noah was there a second Watcher incursion? Did some giants survive the flood? Did corrupted Nephililm DNA survive the flood? What was God’s original mission for the Watchers? Why did the Watchers abandon their mission and their calling? What where some of the forbidden things they taught mankind instead? Did they have a long term goal for mankind? Are the Watchers ancient history or are they still relevant today? Find out the answer to these questions and more!

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Omega Frequency Episode 42 - Examining the Evidence of Noah’s Ark With Mark Combs


Episode 50 - The Remnant: United We Stand With Special Guests Dr. Michael Lake and Sam Swanson

This week is the 50th episode…and we are talking about the Remnant! The Remnant is a called out body of believers who are not for sale, but are passionately pursing God. As members of the Body of Christ we each have a mission to fulfill using the talents that He gave us. We must learn that we can not do this alone. We must stand united for the cause of Christ! Join me for two powerful interviews. First Sam talks about the importance of being the property of God and not of the world. Then we talk about how to walk in obedience to our calling and the need to stand with others of like passion. We then make a major announcement concerning the Omega Frequency Podcast. Then in our second segment Dr Lake thoroughly discusses the remnant and their Biblical destiny in the end times. Make no mistake, we have been commissioned by our King for such a time as this! 


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Episode 49 - Armed and Dangerous With Pastor Caspar McCloud

Pastor McCloud is an outstanding guitarist, singer, and songwriter. He was even called the next Jimi Hendrix by Ahmet Ertegun, who was the CEO of Atlantic Records. Listen as Caspar shares how he came to saving faith in Yeshua. Now he choses to glorify God by using his gifts for the Kingdom. Hear the advice he gives those who play music or lead worship. Learn how worship can be a spiritual weapon in these last days. For as the days become darker, we have a hope that burns brighter! Prepare your heart and mind to walk in a supernatural peace as you open your spiritual eyes to the truth of the victory we have in Yeshua’s mighty name! Pick up the Sword of the Spirit and become armed and dangerous!

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Pastor Caspar McCloud's Facebook Page

The Upper Room Fellowship

Nothing Is Impossible: Read Pastor Caspar's Testimony

Check Out Pastor Caspar's Music

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Listen To Spiritual Encounters with Caspar McCloud