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Transmitting End Times Truth

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Episode 99 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (July Edition)

Episode 99 features what is sure to be our most controversial listener-directed Q&A podcast yet! Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of conspiratorial and Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: Has the Mandela Effect “glitched” reality? Has the Mandela Effect changed God’s Word? Is the Earth flat or a sphere? Is Cain’s bloodline tainted by the Serpent’s seed? Does the mark of Cain have any connection to Bible prophecy or the Mark of the Beast? If an infant or person is forced to take the mark can they be saved? Can Christians be possessed by demons? Does the Bible condone polygamy because David and Solomon had multiple wives? Is the baptism with the Holy Ghost separate from having a saving knowledge of Christ? What was Paul doing during the 17 years before his ministry started out? Does Isaiah 65:17 teach we won’t remember anything from our former lives once God makes the World new? Was Jesus’ prayer in Luke 23:34 an act of universalism? Is wearing a cross a form of idolatry? Is the term Eucharist Biblical? What is the Biblical view of the Lord’s Supper? How do you get across supernatural truth to the sleepers of the contemporary church?  These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Omega Frequency Presents: The Not So Dissident Future With Andy Jennings And Leonard Ulrich

Are we on the threshold of a brave new world or just a not so dissident future? Join Andy Jennings (Dissident Prophet) and Leonard Ulrich (NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Vol. 1) as they discuss current and future events in the light of Bible prophecy. How do the events of pre-history impact our history today? Is humanity seeking to upgrade itself and why? What role does the D-Wave Quantum Computer and CERN play in the NWO? How is the gospel of the antichrist portrayed in the current Alien movie? How is synchronism setting up the beast system? How has Alister Crowley influenced modern music and secular education? How are we to interpret the current events that are playing out in the UK and France? What are the ramifications of the recent France elections? Most importantly, how can Bible prophecy and the return of Jesus keep us focused on what really matters in this prophetic hour? These are just some of the many topics discussed on this episode filled with insight and song. So please check it out, this is one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

Download Omega Frequency on iTunes

Listen To The Fourth Watch Radio Network

Dissident Prophet on Sound Cloud

Dissident Prophet on Facebook

Leonard Ulrich's Website -

Watch "NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Vol. 1"

Episode 90 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (March Edition Part Two)

Episode 90 features part two of March’s monthly listener-directed Q&A podcast! Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. Once again we open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: what does Proverbs 25:2 mean? Who is wisdom in proverbs 8 and 9? Why is wisdom referred to as a woman? When did Joseph, Yeshua's earthly father die? What Bible version is the purest translation of the Word of God? Are there versions we should stay away from and why? Can we recommend a good app for Bible study on the go? How do we account for other culture’s creation stories and mythologies? If they pre-date the written Biblical account, then how do we we know the Bible isn’t the “knock off”? What is the proper way to correct another Christian down withoutbeing “judgmental” or tearing them down? How does one discern spirits? What makes this gift different than the occult practice of being a medium? How can we test the spirits? How do we know if the spiritual gifts are for today, and can we recommend a way to discern between Biblical manifestations and extra-Biblical ones? How can a person determine what area of ministry they are called unto? What will happen after Jesus returns? What takes place during His thousand year reign? How come very few books and Sunday sermons discuss and teach about this area of Bible prophecy? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion.

Show Notes:

Download Omega Frequency on iTunes

Listen To The Fourth Watch Radio Network

Visit Phil Baker Online

Read Phil’s Blog

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

These are some of the resources we mentioned during the course of the episode. Please check them out!

Should the Longer Ending of Mark be in the Bible?

CCR 116: Satan's Psy-op with Derek Gilbert

What Are The Odds Statistically That Jesus Was The Messiah? (Chuck Missler)

The Olive Tree Bible App

Bible Hub: The Free Online Bible Study Suite

Bride Bootcamp Lesson 1 - A Living Witness

This episode features the very first lesson in Bride Bootcamp. Bride Bootcamp is a series of monthly teaching lessons from a Spirit filled viewpoint. Our mission: equip the Remnant Bride of Christ in this prophetic hour! What is the main purpose Jesus has for the Body of Christ on Earth? What is our mission? Is it possible to discern what ministry Christ has called us to personally? What the is one key thing He expects to find in us if we want to be used by Him? We will answer these questions and more.

Episode 84 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (Jan. Edition Part One)

Join Phil Baker and BDK for part one of Omega Frequency’s listener-directed Q&A podcast for the month of January! We start the new year by answering your questions on the Bible! We cover the basics of how to study the Bible and then launch into some deeper theological questions. Some of the questions in this two part series include: what method would you recommend for a year long "cover to cover" approach? When studying a passage where do you focus your attention? How much focus should be on both Old and New Testaments when doing a Bible study? Is reading a book written by a prominent teacher just as effective as studying the Bible? How can one who has no seminary training get deeper into the Bible? How do you reconcile some of the parts of the Bible that seem to disagree? How do you find the many layers of a passage without stepping sideways into mysticism? Does the Bible support powers behind artifacts such as the Spear of Destiny, the Garments of Adam and Eve, and the Umin and Thummin? How can we effectively answer questions from non-Christians with out always saying "because the Bible says so”? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion! 

Show notes:

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Listen To The Fourth Watch Radio Network

Visit Phil Baker Online

Read Phil’s Blog

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Episode 82 - A Pastor And A Podcaster Answer Questions On Prayer Part Two

Join Pastor Phil Baker and BDK for part two of Omega Frequency’s listener-directed Q&A podcast on the subject of prayer! Last week we answered questions on the basics of prayer, now we dive deep into the spiritual aspects of prayer and intercession. We begin by discussing how one can be more effective as a spiritual warrior when they pray. We also answer questions such as: what is the armor of God? How can we Biblically apply the armor when we pray? What is intercession? How can we intercede for a culture given to idolatry? What role does prayer and fasting play in intercession? When praying for deliverance, how do we denounce every stronghold that has a generational or territorial means of attachment? How do we truly pray for our enemies as Christ commanded? Is praying for God to remove and judge the wicked Biblical? How can we effectively pray for a loved one who is being spiritually deceived? What does it mean to pray in the Spirit? What did Jesus mean when He said "watch and pray”? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion! 

Show notes:

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Visit Pastor Phil’s Website

Read Pastor Phil’s Blog

Buy A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Episode 81 - A Pastor And A Podcaster Answer Questions On Prayer Part One

Join Pastor Phil Baker and BDK for Omega Frequency’s monthly listener-directed Q&A podcast! This show answers questions posed to us by our listeners on the subject of prayer. We begin by discussing the importance of prayer and how it impacts our relationship with God. We look at how prayer strengthens our faith in the faithfulness of God’s Word. Then we begin to answer our first listener question on prayer by doing a complete break down of the Lord’s prayer and the history behind it. We also answer questions such as: how does God hear everyone’s prayers when they pray? Do you need to be a baptized before any of your prayers are heard? Do you need to pray out loud? How can we stay focused when we pray? What happens when we are at a loss of words? What does it mean to plead the blood of Jesus? How do I know if i am praying according to the will of God? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion! 

Show notes:

Download Omega Frequency on iTunes

Visit Pastor Phil’s Website

Read Pastor Phil’s Blog

Buy A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Episode 76 - Preparing To Live Life In The Shadow Of Christ’s Second Coming With Justen Faull

Our last episode answered questions about how and when Christ would return. This episode seeks to answer the question of what we should do to prepare our lives for that prophetic hour. Helping me sort through this issue is Justen Faull who is the host of The Fourth Watch Radio Network. Make no mistake, it will take spiritually maturity if we are to endure a spiritually trying time. What does Jesus define as spiritual maturity? How can we grow in faith and grace? How can we fortify our hearts, and if we make our heart a spiritual bunker, what spiritual rations should we place inside it? What are some practical things we can do right now to prepare for future impractical times? What role does the fear of God play in our lives, and could it actually bring us supernatural peace in times where people would naturally be afraid? What is the one item you must have in your spiritual “go bag”? These are just some of things we will discuss. We will also listen to some rather interesting “prophecies and predictions” that where made last year in September that where supposed to be fulfilled before this October episode aired. We will discuss how to Biblically distinguish if a prediction or prophecy is from the Lord, or just a person’s own insight or information. We will examine what weight we should give to these words verses the weight we should assign to Christ’s words. If Christ word’s are to be trusted, trying times are coming. We will need the eyes of faith to “see” beyond what our physical eyes can see so that we can trust the promises of God. Justen will share with us a simple and effective way to build our faith in the promises of God today.

Show notes:

Download Omega Frequency on iTunes

Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

Visit Justen Faull’s Website

The Fourth Watch Radio Network

Listen to The Harbinger & The Shemitah: Fact or Fiction?

Listen to Shaking in September?

Episode 74 - Dispelling The Darkness With Kelli Pierce

On this episode I’m joined by Kelli Pierce. She was a former high priestess in a pagan witchcraft coven. This is a powerful interview about how Jesus can rescue and redeem those who society says live "on the dark fringes". Hear Kelli share her testimony of how Jesus dispelled the spiritual darkness and called her out of the occult. Today she has a podcast called Pelle Tenebris where she takes this message of hope and light back to the ones who sometimes feel hopeless and alone in the darkness. Her love and passion for those wounded by satan and the effects of sin shine through as she candidly talks about her experiences. If you feel lonely, depressed, broken, or unloved please listen to this interview. Our God is the One who goes to the highways and hedges searching for those who want to come home. Our God is the one who walks with us, even if we find ourselves walking through the valley of the shadow of death. Our God is the very Light of the world and the darkness cannot extinguish it.  

Show notes:

Download Omega Frequency on iTunes

Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

Ask A Question About The Rapture And The Return of Christ!

Listen To Pelle Tenebris

Listen To Fight The Lies Radio Network

Fight The Lies Radio Network (Facebook)

Email Kelli  (

Episode 72 - Why I Left The New Apostolic Reformation Part 2 With Mike Hopkins

Once again I’m joined by fellow podcaster Mike Hopkins (Fight The Lies Radio Network). Hear part two of his testimony of how he and his wife where deeply involved in a church that practiced dominion theology and many other NAR teachings. While they where there they witnessed some very strange things and where subjected to spiritual and emotional abuse. In part two, Mike will take us through the aftermath of the minster falsely prophesying a revival would happen in Virginia. You’ll hear How he was sent to receive an impartation from the NAR evangelist Todd Bentley to jumpstart a revival in the church. This impartation had a very real powerful negative spiritual effect on him. How did Mike break free from the NAR? Join me and find out!

Show notes:

Download Omega Frequency on iTunes

Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

Listen To Fight The Lies Radio Network

Fight The Lies Radio Network (Facebook)

Fight The Lies Radio Network (YouTube)

Fight The Lies Radio Network (Twitter)

Listen To Episode 71: “Why I Left The New Apostolic Reformation Part 1 With Mike Hopkins”

Episode 69 - #EternalLifeMatters

Matthew 24 talks about a time right before the return of our Lord. There will be wars and rumors of wars. Nation (ethnos/race) will rise against Nation (ethnos/race). Many false prophets shall rise in the name of Christ and shall deceive many. Iniquity shall abound and the love of many shall wax cold. These are the beginning of sorrows. On top of this, Satan has blinded the minds of them which believe not to the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ. He is also wearing out the Saints. Join me as I look at how we can have a Heavenly perspective on current events and focus on what truly matters. This Heavenly hope enables us to not be shaken in times of uncertainty. The Remnant Bride of Christ will overcome, the gates of hell will not stop her. Will you be part of the Remnant Revolution in this prophetic hour?  

Show notes:

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Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

The 4th Watch Radio Show with Justen Faull and Remnant Revolution Co-host BDK “Demons Calling”

The 4th Watch Radio Show with Justen Faull and Remnant Revolution Co-host BDK “Vatican Rising Vol. I”

The 4th Watch Radio Show with Justen Faull and Remnant Revolution Co-host BDK “Vatican Rising Vol. 2- Jesuit Controlled Christian Music”

The 4th Watch Radio Show with Justen Faull and Remnant Revolution Co-host BDK “Vatican Rising Vol. 3- RESET 2016: Year of the Pulses”

Episode 67 - Esau’s Tears

Hebrews 12:16-17 recount how Esau sold his inheritance for a single meal. After he was rejected, he found no place of repentance - even though he sought it carefully with many tears. We as the Remnant Bride of Christ have an amazing spiritual inheritance. What is it? What are some of the things that people are selling this inheritance for today? Join me for a soul stirring evangelistic message this week on Omega Frequency.

Show notes:

Download Omega Frequency on iTunes

Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

Watch NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Volume One

Listen To Vatican Rising Vol. I

Listen To Jesuit Controlled Christian Music & The One World Church (Vatican Rising Vol. 2)

Episode 65 - Shavuot And The Spring Feasts Of The Lord With Pastor Phil Baker

This episode is the first part of a two part study about the Feasts of the Lord. This week we will examine the Feast of Shavuot and the Spring Feasts. Next week we examine the Fall Feasts. These Feasts foreshadow the redemptive work of Christ at His first coming and His deliverance and restoration at His second coming. Learn how Christ fulfills the Feasts and how we can possess the substance of what the Feasts foreshadowed. Joining me to unpack these powerful Biblical truths is Pastor Phil Baker author of NEW: Wineskins and the Simple Words of Christ.

Show notes:

Download Omega Frequency on iTunes

Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

Buy A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Visit Pastor Phil’s Website

Read Pastor Phil’s Blog


Special Episode - Demons Calling With Justen Faull & BDK

Join me for a special episode of the Remnant Revolution on The 4th Watch Radio Network! We will be discussing the New Age infiltration of “Christian” literature. We will also breakdown one of the best selling book series in the modern Church - “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young. Is this book an inspiring modern day message from Jesus or is it inspired by Eastern Mysticism? We will also look at the bigger context of this issue of occult infiltration in light of Matthew 24 and the end times. Grab a note pad, pen, and a tasty beverage - this is one broadcast you won't want to miss!


Show notes:

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Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

The Fourth Watch Radio Network On Spreaker

Listen In High Quality At:

Follow Justen Faull On Facebook

Episode 64 - The Remnant Reformation With Kay Carswell & BDK

During the Dark Ages the spiritual climate of the day was one of darkness and apostasy. It was against this spiritually challenging backdrop that God in His mercy raised up the reformers who brought a reformation of truth to the Body of Christ. Kay Carswell of Deception Detection Radio and I discuss how events during the historical Reformation mirrors today’s spiritual climate. Could God in His mercy once again raise up men and women of God to call the Body of Christ back to Biblical truth in the end-times? Join me and find out! 

Show notes:

Download Omega Frequency On iTunes

Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

Listen To Deception Detection Radio

Listen To The Reformation And The Holy Spirit Part 1 on DDR

Listen To The Reformation And The Holy Spirit Part 2 on DDR

Episode 63 - Taking Jesus At His Word In The Last Days With Pastor Phil Baker

During this episode, Pastor Phil Baker, the author of NEW: Wineskins and the Simple Words of Christ, asks the revolutionary question: “What if we just took Jesus at His word?” The Church during the first three centuries left us an example of how to walk in power and authority by filtering their understanding of everything by the words of Christ. What impact would be felt today if Jesus’ followers again were to take his teachings at face value, allowing them to be the lens by which we view everything also? The Holy Spirit is calling people to identify with Jesus, who He is, what He teaches, and then dares them to boldly believe what is written. Learn how to approach the words of Jesus seriously and simply in the last days.


Show notes:

Download Omega Frequency on iTunes

Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

Buy A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Visit Pastor Phil’s Website

Read Pastor Phil’s Blog

Salvation - Please Help Me Take The Next Step


Episode 62 - Shock Collar Christianity

Join me as I share the story of how one man's desire to protect and train his dog taught me some interesting lessons on the importance of boundaries.


Show Notes:

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Omega Frequency On God’s Property Radio

Salvation - Please Help Me Take The Next Step


Episode 61 - Do You Need A Miracle?

A miracle is a supernatural occurrence. It is when the power of a heavenly God invades the natural realm of man. There was no greater miracle then when God in the person of Jesus Christ came to Earth to seek and save the lost. He also came to heal all those oppressed by the devil. 1 Corinthians 1:24 actually calls Christ the power of God! Do you need a miracle in your life? Do you need victory in your present circumstance? Find out how Christ can meet your needs, and three biblical steps you can take to brake the power of Satan over your life. 

Show notes:

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Salvation - Please Help Me Take The Next Step

Episode 60 - The Temple Of Yahweh Vs The Temple Of Baal

On April 19 reproductions of the arch that stood in front of the Temple of Baal are going to be erected in Times Square in New York City and in Trafalgar Square in London. After that 1,000 more Baal arches are scheduled to be built around the world. Was this date chosen at random? Is this date exceedingly significant for those that worship the ancient deity know as Baal? What did ancient Baal worship consist of? Do people even worship Baal anymore? Does the moral climate of our day in anyway mirror the Biblical times of Israel when Baal worship was commonly practiced? What if any, are the spiritual ramifications of erecting monuments to this ancient pagan religion today? What can we as Christians do in response to these arches? Join me for the answers to these questions and more on this episode of Omega Frequency!

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Show notes:

The 4th Watch Radio Show with Justen Faull - Temple of Baal USA, Mass Rituals & Numerology

April 2016: The Temple Of Baal Will Be Erected In Times Square In New York City

It's Not Just Times Square - Altars to Baal Will Be Built Around the World

April 19: Temple Of Baal In New York Is Going Up On Significant Day


Episode 57 - Rescued From The New Age With Mel and Andy From Dissident Prophet

Andy and Mel are a husband and wife team who are part of the UK apocalyptic rock band Dissident Prophet. Join me as Mel shares her testimony of how Jesus rescued her out of the New Age movement and spiritual oppression. She bravely pulls no punches and details how the occult invaded her life resulting in demonic manifestations and bouts of sleep paralysis. Learn how she gained the victory through the power of the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus! After salvation, her road to spiritual victory and restoration took 18 long months, but she learned that God truly does work all things together for good to them that love God, and are the called according to His purpose. This was no more so apparent when she crossed paths with her future husband Andy at church. Now Andy and Mel are ministering to people through their own unique brand of end times Truth music. It is her hope that this testimony will encourage people to believe that the Lord restores what the devil tries to destroy, and that Jesus still saves, delivers, and heals! 

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Show notes:

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Listen to The Not So Dissident Future on the God’s Property Radio Network