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Omega Frequency

Transmitting End Times Truth

Filtering by Tag: BDK

Episode 112 -UnScripted.

Join me for episode 112 - a raw, uncut, unscripted, and unedited podcast. I pressed record and shared my heart on a variety of personal and spiritual issues. This 2018 kick off show is a heart felt discussion with my Frequency Family. We will also discuss David Wilkerson's warning of a false occult super church that will operate in the last days. Could this church be in operation in 2018? If it is, what should we do to counteract it? Join me and find out!

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Episode 111 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (December Edition Part 2)

Episode 111 features the second part of our December listener-directed Q&A podcast. Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: Who are the Two Witnesses? Are the Trump peace talks setting up the “seven year peace treaty” of Bible prophecy? Who are the Beasts of Revelation 4:7 and Daniel 7:4? Will Christians be able to identify the Mark of the Beast or might they mistakenly take it? Why did Jesus not know the day or hour of his return? Does the Bible teach the Return of Christ is imminent? What is the second resurrection of Revelation 20? Will all Israel be saved? How do you safely minister to someone who has been involved in Satanic ritual abuse? What was the real sin that caused the fall of mankind? How can a skeptic be convinced that the Bible is the Truth? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

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Listen to Phil’s Podcast - Reclaiming The Faith

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Episode 110 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (December Edition Part 1)

Episode 110 features the first part of our December listener-directed Q&A podcast. Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: What does it mean that those who endure until the end will be saved? Should Christians worship on Saturday or Sunday? What is Lordship salvation? Was Paul a false Apostle? Is God bound from operating in the Earth unless we pray? What does it mean to pray for healing in Jesus’ name? How old where Jesus’ disciples in the Gospel accounts? Are the five fold ministry positions in Ephesians 4 still valid today? Does God require us to tithe to a church today? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Listen to Phil’s Podcast - Reclaiming The Faith

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Episode 109 -The Fringe Files Part Two

Episode 109 features part two of a rarely heard interview with BDK! I was a guest on Thai Girl 4 God Radio which airs on the Fringe Radio Network. In the second episode she asked me to answer questions on the supernatural deceptions facing the Church in this prophetic hour. We discuss cults, the rise of the Anti-Christ, Ufos, how to resist the devil, and many other topics. So check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

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Thai Girl 4 God Radio

Fringe Radio Network

Episode 108 -The Fringe Files Part One

Episode 108 features part one of a rarely heard interview with BDK! I was a guest on Thai Girl 4 God Radio early on in my adventure as a podcaster. I was honored to be featured on her show which airs on the Fringe Radio Network. She recorded two interviews with me and asked me to share my testimony and answer a wide variety of questions on topics that related to current events in Bible prophecy. We also discuss the days of Noah, revival, and the paranormal / supernatural issues facing the Church. So check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

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Thai Girl 4 God Radio

Fringe Radio Network

Bride Bootcamp Lesson 7 - Faithful

This episode features the seventh lesson in Bride Bootcamp. Bride Bootcamp is a series of monthly teaching lessons from a Spirit filled viewpoint. Our mission: equip the Remnant Bride of Christ in this prophetic hour! We are continuing our series on Spirit-filled discipleship. Last time we studied two of the Churches in the book of Revelation,The Church at Ephesus and Smyrna. These churches where an interesting case study of what it meant to be disciple and an early follower of Christ. In truth there was much we could apply to being a disciple today. When it comes to being a disciple, our first calling is dedication or faithfulness to our Lord. It means being vigilant and guarding our hearts and minds from the attacks of Satan. Imagine a church possibly living in the same area where the seat or throne of Satan was. What lessons could we learn from their successes and shortcomings as they strived to be faithful followers of Christ? Join me and find out!

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Pergamon Altar

The Seat of Satan: Nazi Germany

Obama and the Pergamon Altar

Episode 107 -Pursuing Our Prophetic Purpose

With more rapture date setting still continuing even after September 23rd more discussion about the timing of the rapture is taking place. Could the real key to understanding the rapture be found in the context of the Church’s mission and not just timing alone? Could Jesus have a very real purpose and assignment for the Church during this prophetic hour…a purpose that only His Body can fulfill? This episode will be a spirited discussion of the Church’s end times prophetic destiny! This vision of hope and mission will hopefully ignite a renewed desire to fulfill the great commission. Join me for a balanced Bible based discussion of Bible prophecy. This is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

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Omega Frequency T-Shirt Campaign

Episode 106 - It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

3rd anniversary show! Episode 106 features a heartfelt conversation with BDK about living in this prophetic hour. Are we the last generation? How can we remain focused on the Biblical return of Christ in the midst of sensational end times predictions? What are three things we can do to truly honor our King in this moment? Join me for a balanced Bible based discussion of Bible prophecy. This is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

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Omega Frequency T-Shirt Campaign

Episode 105 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (September Edition Part 2)

Episode 105 features the second part of our September listener-directed Q&A podcast. Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: Is Jesus Christ fully God? Was the Trinity taught by Christ’s earliest followers? Who was The Angel that appeared to Joshua and Moses? What is Holy ground? Is The Shack a faithful representation of the Gospel? What are some of the things that make the Lutheran denomination unique? How can Christians cope with mental illness Biblically? What can you do to win an unbelieving spouse to the Lord? Is household salvation Biblical? Is the age of accountability Biblical? Does God forgive victims of suicide? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Listen to Phil’s Podcast - Reclaiming The Faith

Visit Phil Baker Online

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Listen To Angelic Road to Armageddon: The Cosmic War DECODED Vol II

Episode 104 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (September Edition Part 1)

Episode 102 features the second part of our August listener-directed Q&A podcast. Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: Is the supernatural aspect of the Bible being preached in most churches today? Can believers really have a full personal relationship with Jesus Christ, if they omit or ignore the supernatural of the Bible? What are Jezebel and Ahab spirits? What did the Jewish religious tradition of Jesus’ day teach about demonic beings? Can demonic oppression causing drinking? Is killing someone to take them out of intense pain a sin or an act of mercy? Does Revelation 13:15 and Hebrews 1:3 tie into the rapture? Do the Noahide Laws fit into the end time deception? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Listen to Phil’s Podcast - Reclaiming The Faith

Visit Phil Baker Online

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ   

Episode 44 - Restoring the Church’s End Times Vision

Episode 100 Vol. 2 - New Age Messiah: False Fire

Bride Bootcamp Lesson 6 - A Tale Of Two Churches

This episode features the sixth lesson in Bride Bootcamp. Bride Bootcamp is a series of monthly teaching lessons from a Spirit filled viewpoint. Our mission: equip the Remnant Bride of Christ in this prophetic hour! We are starting our series on Spirit-filled discipleship by looking at two of the Churches Jesus was investigating in the book of Revelation. The Church at Ephesus and at Smyrna show us two qualities Christ followers must possess. What are those qualities? Join me for a verse by verse study of each of these prophetic letters and find out.

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Episode 103 - Blockchain Of The Beast With Leonard Ulrich

Episode 103 features a conversation with Leonard Ulrich about Blockchain technology. What is Blockchain? It is monitored biological digital DNA. Some of the things Leonard and I discuss are: what is crypto-currency? Why do major world powers want to control digital currency? Why does the government want to implement Blockchain technology? Does Blockchain technology fit into the Beast system? Will this technology morph into a real life Matrix? What will the NWO look like in the future? Does the Bible have answers on how we prepare for this prophetic hour? We will address these questions and more. This is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Leonard Ulrich’s Website

Watch NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Volume One

Watch Leonard’s Exposé On The NWO And Many Other Fine Videos On His YouTube Channel

Episode 102 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (August Edition Part 2)

Episode 102 features the second part of our August listener-directed Q&A podcast. Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: Is the supernatural aspect of the Bible being preached in most churches today? Can believers really have a full personal relationship with Jesus Christ, if they omit or ignore the supernatural of the Bible? What are Jezebel and Ahab spirits? What did the Jewish religious tradition of Jesus’ day teach about demonic beings? Can demonic oppression causing drinking? Is killing someone to take them out of intense pain a sin or an act of mercy? Does Revelation 13:15 and Hebrews 1:3 tie into the rapture? Do the Noahide Laws fit into the end time deception? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Listen to Phil’s Podcast - Reclaiming The Faith

Visit Phil Baker Online

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ 

Frequency Flashback: Unholy Wars - Satan’s Crusade Against Yahweh

Episode 101 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (August Edition Part 1)

Episode 101 features the first part of our August listener-directed Q&A podcast. Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: What does the Bible say about the lake of fire? Is the doctrine of annihilation a Biblical one or will people suffer forever in Hell? What did the early Church teach about Hell and the afterlife? Is Ecclesiastes 9:5 teaching the dead will be erased from memory? What is the Emergent Church movement about? Do certain Bible translations promote unbiblical doctrines such as homosexuality and universalism? Is it wrong to interact with people in our culture that practice homosexuality? How can believers respond to the universalism sweeping the Church today? What should we do if we are being mocked by our co-workers? Are there good resources available for teenagers who want to grow in the faith? These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Listen to Phil’s Podcast - Reclaiming The Faith

Visit Phil Baker Online

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ 

What are the Best Apologetics Resources for Students?


Episode 100 Vol. 2 - New Age Messiah: False Fire

Episode 100 volume 2 continues to document how NAR theology will promote the false prophet, and how they will champion him as their ultimate prophet for this age. We will look closer at the teachings of William Branham and how he has shaped much of this theology. Four key things he taught will be used to explain how every age or dispensation has it’s own unique head prophet and messiah, and that Jesus was only one of many messiahs. We conclude this episode by looking at Jesus’s prophecy about the Jewish leaders not receiving Him but receiving a false messiah instead. What must a false messiah do if he wants to be received by today’s Jewish leaders? How do plans for a new temple in Jerusalem tie into the rise of the new age messiah? Does this new temple hold a clue as to why and how the false prophet calls fire down from heaven? Through an investigation of their own writings, sermons, and “prophecies” you will hear first hand how this deception is fulfilling Bible Prophecy. This is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

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Episode 100 Vol.1 - New Age Messiah: Earth’s Final Pharaoh

Vatican Rising Vol. I with BDK

Jesuit Controlled Christian Music & The One World Church (VR vol 2)

Bonus Episode - Origin Story

The final stop on the road to episode 100 is a special commemorative edition of the podcast! BDK is joined by Kurt Lee who has been working behind the scenes of Omega Frequency from the very beginning. Together they celebrate next week’s landmark episode by sharing Omega Frequency’s origin story. We also look ahead to what lies after episode 100. Many behind the scenes listener questions will be answered, conspiracies will be addressed, and the mystery of the name “BDK” will be explained! Why do I podcast under the name BDK? Join us and find out.

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Bride Bootcamp Lesson 5 - The Enforcers

This episode features the fifth lesson in Bride Bootcamp. Bride Bootcamp is a series of monthly teaching lessons from a Spirit filled viewpoint. Our mission: equip the Remnant Bride of Christ in this prophetic hour! We are currently studying Christ’s mission for His Body of Believers. We as His Remnant Bride are commissioned to proclaim the Gospel, but we are in a conflict with Satan and self. According to Colossians 2:15 Jesus spoiled and triumphed over principalities and powers yet we wrestle against those same forces. How come the victory He won was not given to us instantaneously? How can we enforce heaven’s rule in our lives? Join me and find out.

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Episode 99 - Ready With An Answer Featuring Phil Baker And BDK (July Edition)

Episode 99 features what is sure to be our most controversial listener-directed Q&A podcast yet! Join Phil Baker and BDK as they answer your questions on a wide variety of conspiratorial and Biblical topics. We open the virtual listener mail bag and cover such questions as: Has the Mandela Effect “glitched” reality? Has the Mandela Effect changed God’s Word? Is the Earth flat or a sphere? Is Cain’s bloodline tainted by the Serpent’s seed? Does the mark of Cain have any connection to Bible prophecy or the Mark of the Beast? If an infant or person is forced to take the mark can they be saved? Can Christians be possessed by demons? Does the Bible condone polygamy because David and Solomon had multiple wives? Is the baptism with the Holy Ghost separate from having a saving knowledge of Christ? What was Paul doing during the 17 years before his ministry started out? Does Isaiah 65:17 teach we won’t remember anything from our former lives once God makes the World new? Was Jesus’ prayer in Luke 23:34 an act of universalism? Is wearing a cross a form of idolatry? Is the term Eucharist Biblical? What is the Biblical view of the Lord’s Supper? How do you get across supernatural truth to the sleepers of the contemporary church?  These are just a few of the questions up for discussion. So please check it out, this is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

Show Notes:

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Read Phil’s Blog

Purchase A Copy Of NEW: Wineskins And The Simple Words Of Christ

Episode 98: Strange Days With Dissident Prophet

Episode 98 features BDK interviewing Andy and Mel from the apocalyptic indie rock band Dissident Prophet. We will be previewing six new songs from their soon to be released album Strange Days. We will go behind the music by discussing the topics that inspired the songs and Bible prophecy. What is happening in the world? Why has so much of the current geo-political and spiritual state of the world seem to have become unhinged? Has the vacuum created by moral relativism freed us from our restraints or fashioned us a new cage? Will the Church rise up and shake it’s self from it’s spiritual slumber? How do we navigate these strange days? Join us and find out. This is truly one broadcast you won't want to miss!

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Email Dissident Prophet

Omega Frequency Presents: The Not So Dissident Future With Andy Jennings And Leonard Ulrich

Are we on the threshold of a brave new world or just a not so dissident future? Join Andy Jennings (Dissident Prophet) and Leonard Ulrich (NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Vol. 1) as they discuss current and future events in the light of Bible prophecy. How do the events of pre-history impact our history today? Is humanity seeking to upgrade itself and why? What role does the D-Wave Quantum Computer and CERN play in the NWO? How is the gospel of the antichrist portrayed in the current Alien movie? How is synchronism setting up the beast system? How has Alister Crowley influenced modern music and secular education? How are we to interpret the current events that are playing out in the UK and France? What are the ramifications of the recent France elections? Most importantly, how can Bible prophecy and the return of Jesus keep us focused on what really matters in this prophetic hour? These are just some of the many topics discussed on this episode filled with insight and song. So please check it out, this is one broadcast you won't want to miss!

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Leonard Ulrich's Website -

Watch "NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Vol. 1"