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Filtering by Tag: L.A. Marzulli

Episode 48 - Questions and Answers on Spiritual Warfare With Kay Carswell

Last week’s episode outlined the Bible’s battle plan for resisting the devil and watching him flee! Part two in this series concludes by answering some listener questions on this vital topic! Learn what our response should be when attacks turn personal and the torment becomes real and physical. Discover the power of forgiveness and how it undoes Satan’s strategy to wound you. Are generational curses real? How can they be broken? What does it mean to plead the blood of Jesus? Unmask the identities of the “principalities, powers, and the rulers of the darkness of this world” in Ephesians 6:12 and learn the secret of their authority. Why are the frequency and intensity of spiritual attacks increasing and what can we do about it? Is the Government using certain technology against us like HAARP to weaken our minds and make us more prone to attack? Most importantly, does God have a plan to bring us the ultimate victory? Yes He does, and we have an important part in that plan…find out what it is in this week’s episode! 

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Show Notes:

Deception Detection Radio

Deception Detection (Facebook)

Kay Carswell (Facebook)

Listen To Part One - “This Means War!” With Kay Carswell

Books Referenced In This Episode:

"The Unseen Realm" By Dr. Michael Heiser

"The Black Awakening" By Russ Dizdar

"The Cosmic Chess Match" By L.A. Marzulli

Article Referenced In This Episode:

Shutting Down Part of Brain Changes Views on God, Immigrants

Project MK-Ultra (An Overview)

Episode 38 - Warriors of Light and Love with Chief Joseph and Dr. Laralyn RiverWind

This week’s episode features an amazing interview with the RiverWinds. The information in here is very eye opening. Yahweh's love for the people of The First Nations has a supernatural history you will have to hear to believe! You'll be floored at some of the pre-colonial revelations of Yahweh they bring up. The Native American oral traditions contain accounts that mirror the Biblical creation account, the flood, the giants of Genesis 6, the Tower of Babel, and even the birth and death of Yeshua the Messiah. We also talk at length about what Yahweh is doing amongst the people of the First Nations today and their end times prophetic destiny! 

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Purchase a copy of "That's What the Old Ones Say"

Native Touch - Go Natural! Go Native!

Check out NAMMA (Native American Music Award) winning music from the RiverWind’s musical ministry, The Blessed Blend! 

The song “Cedar’s Song” from the album “Whispers of the Trees” was featured during the introduction to the episode. 

The song “Tanama's Release (Butterfly's Release)” from the album “Journeys Through the Mist” was featured during the closing of the episode. 

You can purchase this music at either of the following sites:

The Blessed Blend

Digitally Download from CD Baby


Episode 33 - The Omega Conflict

On this week’s episode we discuss Lucifer’s war against Yahweh. Learn the history of this battle. Learn the fallen one's plan to corrupt, enslave, and possess mankind. Discover the deception that will bring about the Antichrist and the New World Order. Learn what is promised to those who overcome and resist it!

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Show notes:

Search for the Lost Giants

Giant Human Skeletons

Josephus, Giants and the Nephilim

Mice with half-human brains four times smarter than their peers

Designer Babies: Fertility Clinic Investigates Grown-Up Results Of Genetically Modified Babies

Boy, two, is first person in the world to be born with an extra strand of DNA

'Quadruple helix' DNA seen in human cells

Mind-control device lets people alter genes in mice through power of thought

DARPA biotech division seeks ideas to solve Ebola crisis

Regina Dugan at D11

BANNED TED Talk - DMT The War on Consciousness

New: DMT Found in the Pineal Gland of Live Rats

Virtual reality a new frontier for religions

Experts Debate the Compatibility of AI and Religion

hen Superintelligent AI Arrives, Will Religions Try to Convert It?

Mind Clones And Virtual Humans

See Future of Artificial Intelligence in Mind Clones Right Now!

Scientists propose 'cortical modem' implant to give you Terminator vision

Brain-altering devices have hit the mainstream

EVP Frequency Ranges

Elon Musk: 'Artificial Intelligence is Mankind's Biggest Threat'

E-cigarettes rigged by drug users to smoke hallucinogen DMT

DMT: The Spirit Molecule

Abductions Stop in Name of Jesus Christ

Patent: System for producing artificial telepathy

DNA Survives Space Trip: 'Boosts Search for Alien Life'

Directed Panspermia

DNA—What Does It Prove?

Antony Flew's conversion

Dawkins, Intelligence Design & Panspermia

Stage is Set for Panspermia Creation Myth

Pope Francis Says He Would Baptize Aliens

CA Bashar - Extraterrestrial Disclosure and Cosmic Quarentine

A Comprehensive Exposé of The New Age Movement

The Coming Persecution

Salvation - Help me take the next step!


Episode 31 - A Conversation With L.A. Marzulli

This week's episode features a very special interview with L.A. Marzulli. We talk about a variety of subjects including current events, the occult, the coming great deception, ancient aliens, Bible prophecy, and of course the Nephilim. Are we living in a spiritual war zone? What is the key to victory? Join me and find out!

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Show Notes:

L.A. Marzulli's Blog

L.A.Marzulli's Store

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